Sunday, 24 October 2010

"Is Disneyland becoming more real than the real America?"

Hyper-reality is a state in which the medium in question is completely self referential, therefore making it detached from the reality of the world we physically live in. It applies mostly to video games, films, theme parks and other things of such a fantastical nature.

Disneyland is saturated in the mirth and merriment that is Disney's concept: A world of fun where nobody is unhappy. Therefore, in order for the theme park to work (or any theme park for that matter) it has to have that sense of hyper-reality. It's used as a form of escapism for a lot of people, to visit a reality that is so very detached from there own and has less rules that change frequently, thus making hyper-reality an attractive kind of reality to become immersed in. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to find ways for us to quell the boredom of reality: chores, cooking, cleaning, work, school. These are not hyper-reality, simply because they do not work on the same self-containing concept as hyper-reality does, it is part of every bodies lives at some point, making the hyper-real look like a much better option for life.

Some other examples of hyper-reality include video games. These products are completely self referential, the rules they employ only work within the confines of the game itself. For example, a window will always shatter in the same way in a video game, or the main villain will always say the say things no matter how many times you play through it and if it does, it has been given a rule to do so. Again, this is why video games are so popular currently in todays society and culture: they have less rules than real life and do not emulate real life, so therefore become a source of entertainment.
The only reason that Disneyland is becoming more real than the real America is because the real America is no where near as entertaining to an audience as a place as densely hyper-real as Disneyland. To be able to visit a place with little confines in terms of thinking and imagination, it is the ultimate attraction for the masses, an escape route from life.

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