Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Life for Sale: Is Facebook compromising our privacy?

The vast majority of people nowadays are registered on the site Facebook, it has at least 500 million users and has become a part of most peoples daily routines. Everybody uses it: we check up on other people through it, message people through it, play games, make groups and pages and generally stay connected. Most people think this is a great thing, not only is it the cheapest way to keep in touch (minus the cost of the internet connection) but it also a multi-purpose communication tool, better than any mobile phone. Sounds fantastic yes?

But what about the darker side of Facebook? If you try to read the privacy statement on the terms and conditions when signing up to Facebook, it will detail anything concerning what other people may do with your information but nothing to with what Facebook themselves will do, which strikes me as peculiar. So does this mean Facebook is hiding something? Every piece of information you type, every photo you upload, every video you post: It is no longer your words, your photos, your videos, they now belong to the Facebook.  

It's a scary thought, knowing that a website you thought you could trust and put into part of your routine owns all of the thing you tell it. But really, we shouldn't be so surprised. We are giving Facebook this information for free, They give us a way to communicate and keep in touch and have fun and in exchange they take our information, compile it and process it. Why? Advertising. Facebook generates most of it's revenue from advertising and by using your information, the can tailor the adverts on your Facebook page top be of your taste, according to what you tell them. After all, it is a business, They need to generate capital somehow.

The information you have given to Facebook can be used by third parties too. Your information can be used as evidence in a court of law and is held for at least 7 years. Even if you post it and then delete it, it's still in their records and if it details anything bad, they will find you. Employers now also use Facebook to gain a profile of you, as well as judging from your CV (unless, ironically, your privacy settings don't allow it). With this in mind, Do you think this invades your personal privacy?

Honestly, no it does not. Facebook is a public website, ANYBODY can view your profile and you knowingly sign up to this place where information of your choosing can be broadcast anywhere. If you are foolish enough to post something that could land you in court or without a job or worse, then it is entirely your own fault. I personally do not fell like Facebook is invading our privacy as technically, we signed for them to do so. However, I do believe that perhaps Facebook could have been much clearer with their privacy policy about using your information for advertisement. All it takes is a little research and common sense sometimes to avoid invasion of privacy it would seem.

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